Friday, 31 July 2015

21 Fabulous Kitchen Gadgets Every Family Needs

Ward off the witching hour with these sanity saving tools.

BabyCakes Doughnut Maker

BabyCakes Doughnut Maker

Who needs trips to the donut shop when you can make your own healthier versions at home? Make Saturday mornings special again with this fun favorite that will have the whole family smiling.

Find it here for $29.99

Babycakes / Via

Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer

Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer

From bread to cakes to cookies and doughnuts these heavy duty mixers are putting in work in the kitchen and living up their names as a true "aid."

Find it here for $239.99

Kitchen Aid / Via

Calphalon Apple Slicer

Calphalon Apple Slicer

It might not look like much but this handy little tool can save you both time and sanity to get snacks on the table.

Find it here for $9.99

Calphalon / Via

The Cook & Carry Crockpot

The Cook & Carry Crockpot

No longer a 70's splurge, the latest version of the crockpot is the millennial parent's dream. Throw in your ingredients in the morning, turn it on and walk away. Dinner is done, son!

Find it here for $29.99

Amazon / Via

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Bakers Around The World Celebrated J.K. Rowling's Birthday With Incredible "Harry Potter" Cakes

How do you art? How do you cake?

As many fans know, J.K. Rowling and her most famous character, Harry Potter, were born on July 31.

As many fans know, J.K. Rowling and her most famous character, Harry Potter, were born on July 31.

AFP / Getty Images

Warner Bros.

Warner Bros.

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22 Tim Hortons Fails Every Canadian Will Recognize

Double double dose of disappointment.

This tea that just couldn't.


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Mix fish secretions with shrimp shells to make super sunscreen

The same chemicals that stop fish from getting sunburned have been used to make a super-effective sunscreen – and it won't make you smell like seafood

via New Scientist - Health Read More Here..

World on the verge of an effective Ebola vaccine

Results from an interim analysis of the Guinea Phase III efficacy vaccine trial show that VSV-EBOV (Merck, Sharp & Dohme) is highly effective against Ebola. The independent body of international experts - the Data and Safety Monitoring Board – that conducted the review, advised that the trial should continue. Preliminary results from analyses of these interim data are published today in the British journal The Lancet.

"This is an extremely promising development," said Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization. "The credit goes to the Guinean Government, the people living in the communities and our partners in this project. An effective vaccine will be another very important tool for both current and future Ebola outbreaks." via WHO news Read More Here..

Ebola vaccine success: Race is now on to protect those at risk

It took just one year to test a vaccine to prove it works. Now, how soon can those who need it get jabs?

via New Scientist - Health Read More Here..

23 Food Gadgets For Lazy People

Do less.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

Corn Zipper

Corn Zipper

This easy-to-use corn "zipper" cuts and collects your kernels with one push. Get it here.

These herb scissors:

These herb scissors:

Quickly chop your herbs with these handy, multi-cut scissors. Recipe here.

This pizza-cutting fork:

This pizza-cutting fork:

If you’re too proper to eat pizza with your hands, but also too lazy to get and knife and a fork, then this is for you! Get it here.

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What Is An Artificial Ingredient, Anyway?

Food companies are taking artificial additives out of food to suit consumers’ changing tastes. But “natural” doesn’t necessarily mean “better,” scientists say.

Matt Rourke / AP

This spring, some of America's biggest fast-food chains proudly announced that their menus were going natural, a change that would ripple through tens of thousands of restaurants nationwide.

Panera committed to removing artificial additives and banned more than 150 ingredients from its menu. Taco Bell and Pizza Hut — both owned by Yum Brands — followed with their own plans to nix artificial ingredients. Subway, the country's biggest chain with 27,200 stores, declared that it too would no longer serve foods with artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Papa John's jumped in to advertise its long-held policy of using "clean" ingredients. And Chipotle, which helped to pioneer the healthy fast-food movement, announced it would switch to a natural tortilla.

Meanwhile, in supermarkets, giant food manufacturers including General Mills, Nestlé, and Kraft all made their own promises about removing artificial ingredients.

It seemed as if the food industry had reached a turning point in the name of wellness, and consumers largely greeted these changes with relief and support. But what many people don't seem to realize is that removing artificial ingredients isn't likely to have any impact on their health.

Olgna / Getty Images

What is missing from the discussion about ingredients is the fact that "natural and artificial flavors really aren't that different," according to the Environmental Working Group. "The actual chemicals in these two kinds of flavors may be exactly the same: The chemical structures of the individual molecules may be indistinguishable."

The chemical vanillin, for example, is found in vanilla bean extract and is the primary flavor people associate with vanilla. Vanillin can also be synthetically produced as an artificial flavor. It doesn't have the same range of flavors as natural vanilla extract, which contains other chemicals that make the taste more complex, but it does the job at a lower cost. According to Markus Lipp, a senior director of food standards at United States Pharmacopeial Convention, a nonprofit that publishes quality standards for the food industry, "there is no known and accepted study that would prove" it is less healthy than natural vanilla.

It gets even trickier when it comes to whether finished products, rather than the specific ingredients in them, can be labeled "natural." According to the FDA, "It is difficult to define a food product that is 'natural' because the food has probably been processed and is no longer the product of the earth."

Consider for example, the very idea of an all-natural hot dog.

"However, the agency has not objected to the use of the term if the food does not contain added color, artificial flavors, or synthetic substances," Kenneth Cook, president of the Environmental Working Group, said. "A food is not healthy because it has fewer industrial additives in it. But we're waking up to the fact that industrial additives are put in without rigorous review."

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Cancer scare halts pioneering stem-cell trial to cure blindness

The first ever trial of reprogrammed stem cells is put on hold while scientists investigate whether the procedure caused a potentially cancerous mutation

via New Scientist - Health Read More Here..

Women Have Been Sharing Pictures Of Themselves Eating Cake After A Troll Tried To Fat-Shame A Blogger

Jenny Rushmore says she’s seen an “overwhelming tide of support and positivity and public cake eating”.

When Cashmerette blogger Jenny Rushmore shared a picture of a swimsuit she was designing from her "curvy sketchbook", she experienced some all-too-familiar trolling.

In a comment that has now been deleted, "a guy in his early 20s, who really, REALLY, loves gym selfies" said that her body was disgusting and that she should eat less cake, Rushmore said in a blog post on 29 July.

"To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t that surprised or upset: this is the kind of thing that happens every day to women like me," she added.

But when Rushmore mentioned the incident in this Instagram post using the hashtag #CakeWithCashmerette, something amazing happened.

The caption read: "Also: to the random jerk who fat shamed me this morning in a comment and suggest I eat less cake: as you can see from this pic my life is just a sad mess, so I'm glad you've helped steer my dietary choices, cheers! #effyourbeautystandards #CakeWithCashmerette."

Women on Instagram responded to Rushmore's picture by posting pictures of themselves proudly eating cake and dessert, also using the hashtag.

On her blog, Rushmore called it a "lady-cake explosion," adding that "bigger women deserve to eat whatever they’re hungry for just as much as smaller women".

Instagram user sarajoliesews said "sorry someone tried to rain on your parade! You are beautiful!" as she shared her support.

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I Ate Like A Tourist In London For A Week

Table for one at the Aberdeen Angus Steakhouse.

Novelty cafés open and close on the regular but Spaghetti House continues to please its punters with the food its been serving since 1955. Peruvian flavours might come and go, but Garfunkel's stands tall.

What is about these chains that makes them so successful? Is the food that good? Are they that good value? Is the atmosphere warm and charming? And if so, why is it no Londoner ever thinks, "Yeah actually, Angus Steak House looks like a nice little spot for dinner".

Here's my list of destinations:

Spaghetti House: A popular know-what-you're-getting option for visitors with various locations across the city.
Hard Rock Café: An international site of pilgrimage for many fast food fans.
Rainforest Café: Shaftesbury Avenue's most remarkable restaurant that's half-zoo half-restaurant.
Garfunkel's: A proper classic West End institution.
Angus Steak House: The most ubiquitous steak house in London, and the true corner stone of Piccadilly Circus.

I'd approach each restaurant with an open mind. I'd visit for dinner after finishing a day's work, bringing my boyfriend along to help me test the menu. We'd order modestly, as we usually do when out for dinner, with probably a wine or beer each, a main each and the odd side for share.

How would we rate the restaurants? Success in our eyes is good food, enough food, and affordable food.

Day One, Spaghetti House, Holborn

Day One, Spaghetti House, Holborn

Lynzy Billing / BuzzFeed

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Try a new trend, try Gym Class!

Gym Class combines the balance between strength training and metabolic conditioning, so go on, try something new!

What is it?

Having worked in the fitness industry for years, Helle Hammonds has put all her experience into the energy of her new workout, GymClass. The concept is about as no-nonsense as the name – it’s not rocket science, but Helle has it nailed. It consists of interwoven sessions of cardio with resistance exercises, allowing you to recover from one part while getting to work on another. Whether you opt for the Signature Full Body class or a more specific body part-focused version, there’s not a minute that goes to waste.

The cardio takes place on the spin bikes. Helle instructs the small group through interval sprint sessions, really forcing you to push yourself and boost fat-burn potential. The strength aspect of the class is done through resistance training using all sorts of kit: bodyweight, TRX, dumbbells and rigs.

What are the benefits?

The small group setting of GymClass is ideal for those who want the intensity and intimacy of a personal-training session with the community and camaraderie feel of a class. For those after a hard-hitting fat-burn session, this is sure to hit the spot, working you at a high intensity for the entire class. Cardio queens who never venture into the free-weights section will get to sneak a totally non-scary strength session into their routines, while those who avoid cardio like the plague will get the chance to seriously boost their fitness without having to dedicate a whole session to slogging away on a treadmill or the like.

How hard is it?

As with any high-intensity interval training session, if it isn't hard work, you're not doing it right. With HIIT classes, you get to work your body especially hard in a shorter amount of time, using bursts of super-intense effort with rest periods in between. You /only/ get your fat-burning, metabolism-rising and fitness-boosting prayers answered if you put everything into it, though, so yeah, this class is hard. But the hard work pays off. Plus, it's also really fun.

Where is it?

The GymClass studio is in Holland Park, London and costs £29 per class (or cheaper with class packages). Visit for more information.

Do it yourself

It’s not hard to replicate a session that involves alternating quick bursts on a gym bike and short circuits of resistance exercises. But GymClass offers a vibrant atmosphere, bucket loads of motivation and specialist instruction to take you through everything step by step. However, if you do want to have a quick try in the gym, try doing 30-second intervals of bike sprints as fast as you can and recovery cycles, alternated for 5 minutes. Then move on to the gym floor for circuits of the same length – try moves like burpees, weighted walking lunges and pull-ups. Keep it inventive and mix it up every round. Keep going for 40 minutes and don't forget to warm up and cool down.

Amanda’s verdict

There are loads of classes surfacing at the moment that put this concept into play, but GymClass has a great energy. The studio looks like something out of a film set and Helle, the instructor, is personable, charismatic and most importantly, a true expert at what she does. This class is loads of fun, which is a good thing since it's pretty damn gruelling, too.

Article Jul 31, 2015 via Featured Articles Read This...

Try a new trend, try Gym Class!

Gym Class combines the balance between strength training and metabolic conditioning, so go on, try something new!

What is it?

Having worked in the fitness industry for years, Helle Hammonds has put all her experience into the energy of her new workout, GymClass. The concept is about as no-nonsense as the name – it’s not rocket science, but Helle has it nailed. It consists of interwoven sessions of cardio with resistance exercises, allowing you to recover from one part while getting to work on another. Whether you opt for the Signature Full Body class or a more specific body part-focused version, there’s not a minute that goes to waste.

The cardio takes place on the spin bikes. Helle instructs the small group through interval sprint sessions, really forcing you to push yourself and boost fat-burn potential. The strength aspect of the class is done through resistance training using all sorts of kit: bodyweight, TRX, dumbbells and rigs.

What are the benefits?

The small group setting of GymClass is ideal for those who want the intensity and intimacy of a personal-training session with the community and camaraderie feel of a class. For those after a hard-hitting fat-burn session, this is sure to hit the spot, working you at a high intensity for the entire class. Cardio queens who never venture into the free-weights section will get to sneak a totally non-scary strength session into their routines, while those who avoid cardio like the plague will get the chance to seriously boost their fitness without having to dedicate a whole session to slogging away on a treadmill or the like.

How hard is it?

As with any high-intensity interval training session, if it isn't hard work, you're not doing it right. With HIIT classes, you get to work your body especially hard in a shorter amount of time, using bursts of super-intense effort with rest periods in between. You /only/ get your fat-burning, metabolism-rising and fitness-boosting prayers answered if you put everything into it, though, so yeah, this class is hard. But the hard work pays off. Plus, it's also really fun.

Where is it?

The GymClass studio is in Holland Park, London and costs £29 per class (or cheaper with class packages). Visit for more information.

Do it yourself

It’s not hard to replicate a session that involves alternating quick bursts on a gym bike and short circuits of resistance exercises. But GymClass offers a vibrant atmosphere, bucket loads of motivation and specialist instruction to take you through everything step by step. However, if you do want to have a quick try in the gym, try doing 30-second intervals of bike sprints as fast as you can and recovery cycles, alternated for 5 minutes. Then move on to the gym floor for circuits of the same length – try moves like burpees, weighted walking lunges and pull-ups. Keep it inventive and mix it up every round. Keep going for 40 minutes and don't forget to warm up and cool down.

Amanda’s verdict

There are loads of classes surfacing at the moment that put this concept into play, but GymClass has a great energy. The studio looks like something out of a film set and Helle, the instructor, is personable, charismatic and most importantly, a true expert at what she does. This class is loads of fun, which is a good thing since it's pretty damn gruelling, too.

Article Jul 31, 2015
via Featured Articles
Health and Fitness Blog

10 Easy ways to eat healthy

Article Jul 31, 2015

Make a real difference to your eating regime by creating a healthy eating haven

via Healthy Eating Read More..

10 Easy ways to eat healthy

Make a real difference to your eating regime by creating a healthy eating haven

Whether you want to lose weight or simply eat healthily, making your kitchen a place of inspiration where you’re motivated to cook – and cook well – is essential. But this doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on a complete kitchen redesign. A few smart investments in some good pieces of kit will help you get more creative, which in turn will please your taste buds, help keep you slim, save you money in the long run /and/ make your kitchen a more pleasing place to hang out. Plus, clearing out the junk that’s cluttering your cupboards, fridge and freezer and replacing it with whole foods, fruit and veg means you’re more likely to make meals from scratch, even when you’re busy, tired or simply lusting after junk. Research by Cambridge University indicates that people who spend more time preparing and cooking meals are more likely to have a cleaner diet than those who skimp on time in the kitchen. So give your kitchen the attention it deserves and the weight will slip off, we promise!

1 Get creative

Make your kitchen an enticing place to be and you’re more likely to make meals from scratch. ‘I prep everything when I get it, which makes my kitchen a lovely place to hang out. Nuts go in beautiful Mason jars in the fridge, vegetables are washed and stored in boxes and fruit arranged according to age and ripeness. So whenever I want to make something it's all ready, waiting and available for me,’ says Geeta Sidhu-Robb, CEO and founder of Nosh Detox.

2 Cook with a nutritious cooking oil

Move over olive oil! If there’s one oil that deserves pride of place in your kitchen pantry it’s coconut oil. And it’s not just for cooking – as well as frying with it, you can use it as a moisturiser, make-up remover or hair tamer! ‘Coconut oil is a “stable” fat, due to its special composition of medium chain fatty acids. This means that its molecules don’t turn into the dreaded trans-fats, which most vegetable oils become when heated. It also works wonders as a butter replacement when baking, allowing you to benefit from its antibacterial, cholesterol-lowering properties,’ says Lily Simpson of Detox Kitchen.

3 Kit out your kitchen

Pasta is the ultimate comfort food, but when you’re watching your carb intake or following a gluten-free diet, a big bowl of spag bol is definitely off limits. Fortunately, there’s an equally satisfying yet healthier alternative to regular pasta: cucumber ribbons or courgette noodles. ‘Kit out your worktop with a spiralizer – a handy device that allows you to substitute your favourite comfort foods for nourishing, nutrient-dense alternatives, without compromising on taste or texture,’ says Lily.

4 Start juicing

If you want to make a big difference to how you look and feel, get yourself a juicer. Green juices made from handfuls of brassicas and leafy veg, such as spinach and kale, contain a wealth of impressive nutritional benefits. ‘Green juices are an easy and tasty way to add extra vegetables into your diet,’ says Nicola Simons, Vital Ingredient’s head of food. Make sure your fridge is stocked with lots of green goodies and keep a juicer on hand to blend up drinks in a flash.

5 Keep healthy substitutes in easy reach

Swap white refined sugar for natural sweeteners and you’ll see the benefits almost immediately. More energy, clearer skin, better concentration – what’s not to like? ‘Dates, pure maple syrup and raw honey are easy to bake with and they don’t give you blood sugar spikes, so your physical and emotional energy will stay balanced,’ says healthy food blogger Ella Woodward ( ‘They also have great health properties. Dates are filled with fibre, which is so important for a happy digestive system, and they contain lots of vitamins and minerals like iron and potassium. Honey is very antibacterial, which means it’s great for boosting your immunity,’ she adds.

6 Substitute ingredients

While baking may be lots of fun, all that buttery loveliness is anything but waistline-friendly – sorry, ladies! However, if you want to make healthier baked goods, swapping traditional ingredients for cleaner versions can dramatically reduce calories without compromising taste. If you’re vegan, switch eggs for banana and butter for avocado. These substitutes will also add potassium to the end product, while really boosting flavour in the end result. ‘You can also replace refined products for wholegrain items. Use brown rice and buckwheat flour instead of white flour. Your energy levels will be so much better and you wont feel fatigued after eating,’ says Ella. Good enough reason for us!

7 Store food properly

You can lengthen the lifespan of your food by days with proper storage. ‘Keep all veggies in the fridge, other than tomatoes (which are a fruit anyway!), store leaves in the front at the top and heavier fruit at the bottom, so that the leaves don’t become spoilt. I also keep herbs in a glass of water, which I change regularly so that they stay fresh,’ says Geeta. Avoid washing berries until you’re about to eat them, too, as moisture provides a breeding ground for mould, and if you notice any food that’s gone bad, compost it straight away before it ruins the rest of your produce.

8 Use your freezer

Ice-cube trays aren’t just for freezing water. Fill a tray with puréed fruit and veg such as mangoes, pineapple, spinach and carrots. Once frozen, pop them into freezer bags and throw a couple into smoothies and soups for a quick nutrient boost as and when needed. You can also freeze herbs and even leftover wine, adding a couple of ice cubes to flavour sauces and homemade casseroles. Clever, eh?

9 See red

Re-evaluate your crockery and get colour-savvy if you want to steer your weight-loss goals in the right direction. A 2012 study published in the journal /Appetite/ found that dieters who ate off a red plate ate less compared with those who ate off white or blue dishes. The results of the study concluded that red is associated with caution, prompting us to subconsciously eat less. Who knew?

10 Don’t waste food

Make your Sunday roast go further. ‘Don’t throw away your meat bones; instead make bone broth,’ says healthy food blogger Emma Porter ( ‘It is one of the most simple one-pot meals to make: full of anti-inflammatories, nutrients and vitamins. Great for improving joint health, staving off colds, strengthening your immune system, healing leaky guts and reducing cellulite. It has also been proven to help people overcome food intolerances and allergies,’ she adds. That’s lunch sorted then!


5 kitchen staples

Optimise your diet with these simple must-have foods

1 Nut butter

Whizz together a selection of nuts like almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews and walnuts with coconut oil and pitted dates until smooth. Spread on wholemeal toast, stir into smoothies, smear on a banana or enjoy straight from the jar for a protein-rich snack that will keep hunger pangs at bay for hours.

2 Crudités

When you’re craving savoury rather than sweet, raw veggie sticks are the way to go for a nutritious snack that’s pretty low in cals. Slice up some peppers, carrots, celery and enjoy with a spoonful of houmous or cottage cheese.

3 Greek yoghurt

Super-versatile, Greek yoghurt is the perfect staple for breakfast, snack-time or dessert. Top with fresh fruit, a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of chia seeds for a healthy replacement to sugar-laden treats. Just yum!

4 Eggs

Eggs are an easy, cheap and understated way to add protein to any meal. Whip them into a frittata with some mushrooms, peppers and spinach, enjoy them poached with a couple of slices of wholemeal toast or boiled and sliced into salads.

5 Lemons

Lemons are the ultimate superfood. They add flavour to dishes and provide lots of health benefits. Squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon into hot water for a liver kick-start first thing; make a healthy salad dressing with lemon, honey and a handful of herbs, such as parsley and dill; and liven up plain water with a slice of the tangy citrus fruit and cucumber.


3 top kitchen accessories

Invest in these must-haves to make healthy cooking a breeze!

1 Magimix Cream Le Duo Juicer

Pop this hard-working juicer on your kitchen worktop for healthy drinks on the go. The user-friendly extractor basket makes cleaning a doddle, while the chrome spout minimises mess. It also comes with a special SmoothieMix attachment so you can alternate between juices and smoothies.


2 Vegetable Spiralizer

Work towards your five-a-day with this easy-to-use vegetable spiralizer. Designed to help you get the most out of your vegetables, it's ideal for preparing coleslaw, salads or veggie noodles. Take your pick!


3 Set of 4 Ridged Melamine Stacking Bowls

Perfect for storing everything from homemade granola to last night's leftovers, this handy set is as pretty as it is practical. We love the gorgeous pastel shades.


Article Jul 31, 2015
via Featured Articles
Health and Fitness Blog

10 Easy ways to eat healthy

Make a real difference to your eating regime by creating a healthy eating haven

Whether you want to lose weight or simply eat healthily, making your kitchen a place of inspiration where you’re motivated to cook – and cook well – is essential. But this doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on a complete kitchen redesign. A few smart investments in some good pieces of kit will help you get more creative, which in turn will please your taste buds, help keep you slim, save you money in the long run /and/ make your kitchen a more pleasing place to hang out. Plus, clearing out the junk that’s cluttering your cupboards, fridge and freezer and replacing it with whole foods, fruit and veg means you’re more likely to make meals from scratch, even when you’re busy, tired or simply lusting after junk. Research by Cambridge University indicates that people who spend more time preparing and cooking meals are more likely to have a cleaner diet than those who skimp on time in the kitchen. So give your kitchen the attention it deserves and the weight will slip off, we promise!

1 Get creative

Make your kitchen an enticing place to be and you’re more likely to make meals from scratch. ‘I prep everything when I get it, which makes my kitchen a lovely place to hang out. Nuts go in beautiful Mason jars in the fridge, vegetables are washed and stored in boxes and fruit arranged according to age and ripeness. So whenever I want to make something it's all ready, waiting and available for me,’ says Geeta Sidhu-Robb, CEO and founder of Nosh Detox.

2 Cook with a nutritious cooking oil

Move over olive oil! If there’s one oil that deserves pride of place in your kitchen pantry it’s coconut oil. And it’s not just for cooking – as well as frying with it, you can use it as a moisturiser, make-up remover or hair tamer! ‘Coconut oil is a “stable” fat, due to its special composition of medium chain fatty acids. This means that its molecules don’t turn into the dreaded trans-fats, which most vegetable oils become when heated. It also works wonders as a butter replacement when baking, allowing you to benefit from its antibacterial, cholesterol-lowering properties,’ says Lily Simpson of Detox Kitchen.

3 Kit out your kitchen

Pasta is the ultimate comfort food, but when you’re watching your carb intake or following a gluten-free diet, a big bowl of spag bol is definitely off limits. Fortunately, there’s an equally satisfying yet healthier alternative to regular pasta: cucumber ribbons or courgette noodles. ‘Kit out your worktop with a spiralizer – a handy device that allows you to substitute your favourite comfort foods for nourishing, nutrient-dense alternatives, without compromising on taste or texture,’ says Lily.

4 Start juicing

If you want to make a big difference to how you look and feel, get yourself a juicer. Green juices made from handfuls of brassicas and leafy veg, such as spinach and kale, contain a wealth of impressive nutritional benefits. ‘Green juices are an easy and tasty way to add extra vegetables into your diet,’ says Nicola Simons, Vital Ingredient’s head of food. Make sure your fridge is stocked with lots of green goodies and keep a juicer on hand to blend up drinks in a flash.

5 Keep healthy substitutes in easy reach

Swap white refined sugar for natural sweeteners and you’ll see the benefits almost immediately. More energy, clearer skin, better concentration – what’s not to like? ‘Dates, pure maple syrup and raw honey are easy to bake with and they don’t give you blood sugar spikes, so your physical and emotional energy will stay balanced,’ says healthy food blogger Ella Woodward ( ‘They also have great health properties. Dates are filled with fibre, which is so important for a happy digestive system, and they contain lots of vitamins and minerals like iron and potassium. Honey is very antibacterial, which means it’s great for boosting your immunity,’ she adds.

6 Substitute ingredients

While baking may be lots of fun, all that buttery loveliness is anything but waistline-friendly – sorry, ladies! However, if you want to make healthier baked goods, swapping traditional ingredients for cleaner versions can dramatically reduce calories without compromising taste. If you’re vegan, switch eggs for banana and butter for avocado. These substitutes will also add potassium to the end product, while really boosting flavour in the end result. ‘You can also replace refined products for wholegrain items. Use brown rice and buckwheat flour instead of white flour. Your energy levels will be so much better and you wont feel fatigued after eating,’ says Ella. Good enough reason for us!

7 Store food properly

You can lengthen the lifespan of your food by days with proper storage. ‘Keep all veggies in the fridge, other than tomatoes (which are a fruit anyway!), store leaves in the front at the top and heavier fruit at the bottom, so that the leaves don’t become spoilt. I also keep herbs in a glass of water, which I change regularly so that they stay fresh,’ says Geeta. Avoid washing berries until you’re about to eat them, too, as moisture provides a breeding ground for mould, and if you notice any food that’s gone bad, compost it straight away before it ruins the rest of your produce.

8 Use your freezer

Ice-cube trays aren’t just for freezing water. Fill a tray with puréed fruit and veg such as mangoes, pineapple, spinach and carrots. Once frozen, pop them into freezer bags and throw a couple into smoothies and soups for a quick nutrient boost as and when needed. You can also freeze herbs and even leftover wine, adding a couple of ice cubes to flavour sauces and homemade casseroles. Clever, eh?

9 See red

Re-evaluate your crockery and get colour-savvy if you want to steer your weight-loss goals in the right direction. A 2012 study published in the journal /Appetite/ found that dieters who ate off a red plate ate less compared with those who ate off white or blue dishes. The results of the study concluded that red is associated with caution, prompting us to subconsciously eat less. Who knew?

10 Don’t waste food

Make your Sunday roast go further. ‘Don’t throw away your meat bones; instead make bone broth,’ says healthy food blogger Emma Porter ( ‘It is one of the most simple one-pot meals to make: full of anti-inflammatories, nutrients and vitamins. Great for improving joint health, staving off colds, strengthening your immune system, healing leaky guts and reducing cellulite. It has also been proven to help people overcome food intolerances and allergies,’ she adds. That’s lunch sorted then!


5 kitchen staples

Optimise your diet with these simple must-have foods

1 Nut butter

Whizz together a selection of nuts like almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews and walnuts with coconut oil and pitted dates until smooth. Spread on wholemeal toast, stir into smoothies, smear on a banana or enjoy straight from the jar for a protein-rich snack that will keep hunger pangs at bay for hours.

2 Crudités

When you’re craving savoury rather than sweet, raw veggie sticks are the way to go for a nutritious snack that’s pretty low in cals. Slice up some peppers, carrots, celery and enjoy with a spoonful of houmous or cottage cheese.

3 Greek yoghurt

Super-versatile, Greek yoghurt is the perfect staple for breakfast, snack-time or dessert. Top with fresh fruit, a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of chia seeds for a healthy replacement to sugar-laden treats. Just yum!

4 Eggs

Eggs are an easy, cheap and understated way to add protein to any meal. Whip them into a frittata with some mushrooms, peppers and spinach, enjoy them poached with a couple of slices of wholemeal toast or boiled and sliced into salads.

5 Lemons

Lemons are the ultimate superfood. They add flavour to dishes and provide lots of health benefits. Squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon into hot water for a liver kick-start first thing; make a healthy salad dressing with lemon, honey and a handful of herbs, such as parsley and dill; and liven up plain water with a slice of the tangy citrus fruit and cucumber.


3 top kitchen accessories

Invest in these must-haves to make healthy cooking a breeze!

1 Magimix Cream Le Duo Juicer

Pop this hard-working juicer on your kitchen worktop for healthy drinks on the go. The user-friendly extractor basket makes cleaning a doddle, while the chrome spout minimises mess. It also comes with a special SmoothieMix attachment so you can alternate between juices and smoothies.


2 Vegetable Spiralizer

Work towards your five-a-day with this easy-to-use vegetable spiralizer. Designed to help you get the most out of your vegetables, it's ideal for preparing coleslaw, salads or veggie noodles. Take your pick!


3 Set of 4 Ridged Melamine Stacking Bowls

Perfect for storing everything from homemade granola to last night's leftovers, this handy set is as pretty as it is practical. We love the gorgeous pastel shades.


Article Jul 31, 2015 via Featured Articles Read This...

Jump on your bike and lose weight the easy way!

Lose weight the easy way by making cycling part of your weekly routine

What’s not to love about cycling? There’s no greater pleasure than the freedom you get pedalling on the open road and soaking up your surroundings. And let’s not forget that cycling – whether on an indoor bike in the gym or touring the streets – is the perfect exercise to get your fitness kicks. But there’s more! Here are our favourite reasons to hop on the saddle today.

Reason 1: Keep slim

Want an awesomely fit body? Hit the spin bike! High-intensity spinning classes offer a great head-to-toe toning workout and they’re suitable for everyone – regardless of fitness level. The interval sessions really challenge your lower body and the calorie-burning potential is pretty impressive, too. ‘The most beneficial part of spin classes is the intervals, as they challenge the body so you can get the most out of your workout,’ says Chris Foster, Professional Head of Fitness at Nuffield Health. Looking for a fresh alternative to a regular spin class? Check out BOOM Cycle, a fabulously fun nightclub-themed indoor cycling class that takes place in London.

Reason 2: It’s better for the environment

Nobody wants to live in a world clogged up with unhealthy carbon emissions that wreak havoc on health – so ditch your car and get on your bike instead. A study by the European Cyclists Federation found that Europe could reduce its CO2 emissions by a quarter if its population cycled as regularly as the Danes. In Denmark the average person cycles almost 600 miles annually, while the average Brit logs in a meagre 46 miles each year.

Reason 3: See the world

Whizzing around on two wheels is the perfect workout to take you away from home and out exploring new places. ‘Cycling lets you see the world – whether you want to hit the MTB trails or head out for a ride on the road. You can travel to places that you didn’t even realise existed and appreciate buildings and views that you have only ever bypassed in the car,’ enthuses Wiesia Kuczaj, cyclist and Sigma Sport Team MuleBar Girl.

Reason 4: Add years to your life

Turn your workout into your commute and not only will you cut back on your spending, you could also lengthen your lifespan. A 20-year study by Copenhagen’s Bispebjerg University Hospital found that women who cycled every day at a vigorous pace lived on average 3.9 years longer than slow cyclists. So get pedalling hard, people!

Reason 5: Improve joint health

The low-impact nature of cycling makes it an accessible sport for those who are at risk of joint injury and also enables them to increase the volume and intensity of their riding at a faster pace. ‘Consequently, cycling may help you to reach your health and fitness goals more quickly than is possible in more technical and/or weight bearing sports, such as running,’ explains performance coach James Hewitt.

Reason 6: Boost your mood

A brisk bike ride (riding at 85 per cent of your maximum capacity) sends endorphins flying for hours after. Cycling has been found to triple the levels of the feel-good chemicals circulating in the bloodstream. ‘Even if you’re riding slowly, just three low-intensity bike rides per week can result in significant improvements in feelings of energy,’ says James.

Reason 7: Get fast results

If you don’t have time to factor lengthy exercise sessions into your schedule, cycling is the perfect solution. ‘If improving fitness is your goal, research suggests that just two weeks of 22-minute, high-intensity cycling workouts may be as effective at improving measures of cardiovascular fitness as 90-120-minute, moderate-intensity rides,’ James says.

Reason 8: Improve heart health

Cycling isn’t only a fabulous weight-loss aid – it’s also good for your heart. A 2011 study published in the British Medical Journal found that cyclists who clocked up 20 miles a week were 50 per cent less likely to develop cardiovascular disease than non-cyclists.

Reason 9: Cycling kit is cool

Cast your mind back to a decade ago when the only kit available to cyclists was fluorescent cycling shorts and sweaty jersey tops – we’ve certainly come a long way since then! The boom in biking has resulted in an influx of ultra-fashionable yet functional options. ‘Gone are the days of woollen jerseys and questionably short shorts. Cycling, its equipment and its attire has been near the head of sports innovation for a number of years, developing kit that not only works, but looks good, too,’ says Wiesia.

Reason 10: Make new friends

Getting on your bike will help you get your social fix while working out. Cycling clubs are a great way to foster new friendships with like-minded people and improve fitness at the same time. ‘Cycling for many is a great way to catch up with friends. Get online and find your nearest cycling club to join and meet fellow cyclists,’ advises Wiesia.


3 ways to get the best out of your ride

Try James’s performance-boosting tips for better saddle time

1 Set a measurable goal

You’re more likely to stick to a cycling programme if it’s part of a plan to achieve a measurable goal. This could be as simple as getting fit enough to do two spin classes a week, tackle a 20-mile ride or complete a 100-mile sportive event!

2 Size your bike and set your position

Many new riders find cycling difficult and uncomfortable because their bikes are too big, too small or simply not set up properly. Start by selecting the appropriate-sized bike with the help of a trusted cycle shop, then ask them to help to set your saddle height. If you can touch both feet on the floor while sitting on the saddle, it’s probably too low!

3 Get kitted out

You don’t need to look like a Tour de France professional to enjoy cycling, but taking a leaf out of their book when it comes to selecting equipment could help you a lot! Invest in some quality, female-specific, padded cycling shorts. Shorts come in a variety of styles that can be worn on their own or under other items of clothing. They will significantly improve your comfort and enjoyment of the sport.


Did you know?

3 fab facts about cycling

1 Over 40 per cent of the UK population owns or has access to a bike.

2 Cambridge has the highest number of cyclists in the UK.

3 Take up of the Government’s Ride to Work scheme, which enables employees to buy a bike tax-free, increased by 30 per cent following the Olympics.

Article Jul 31, 2015
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Ahh, yes. The torta.

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To Mexico, it's a kind of sandwich. And to me, it's one of the most perfect eats of all time.

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