Friday, 1 August 2014

Judge rules Wisconsin girl in Slenderman case not mentally competent

By Brendan O'Brien WAUKESHA Wis. (Reuters) - A Wisconsin girl accused of luring a friend into the woods and repeatedly stabbing her to please Slenderman, a fictional Internet character, is not mentally competent to stand trial, a judge ruled on Friday. The girl, Morgan Geyser, and her friend, Anissa Weier, both 12, have been charged as adults with first-degree attempted homicide. The girls told investigators they attacked their friend, also 12, to impress Slenderman, a tall, fictional bogeyman popular on the Internet that they insisted was real, according to a criminal complaint. Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Michael Bohren ordered Geyser to be committed to the state's department of health services, based on testimony from two mental health professionals, who told the court that Geyser lacks the capacity to assist in her own defense. via Health News Headlines - Yahoo News Read More Here..

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