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Saturday, 31 May 2014
Roche immunotherapy drug shrinks tumors in early bladder cancer study
Experimental Drug May Extend Lung Cancer Survival, Study Suggests
New Drug Shows Promise for Resistant Thyroid Cancer
Pair of Pills Shows Promise for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
Drug helps breast cancer patients keep fertility
CHICAGO (AP) — Doctors may have found a way to help young breast cancer patients avoid infertility caused by chemotherapy. Giving a drug to shut down the ovaries temporarily seems to boost the odds they will work after treatment ends, and it might even improve survival, a study found.
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Roche immunotherapy drug shrinks tumors in early bladder cancer study
Roche's experimental drug that spurs the immune system to fight cancer shrank tumors in 43 percent of people with a specific type of metastatic bladder cancer, according to results of an early-stage trial published on Saturday. The drug MPDL3280A is part of a closely-watched class of treatments known as anti-PDL1 therapies, which work by blocking a tumor's ability to evade the immune system's defense. Data from the Phase I trial presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting in Chicago found MPDL3280A shrank tumors in 13 out of 30 patients who had been previously treated for metastatic urothelial bladder cancer. "It’s exciting to see a potential new treatment for bladder cancer patients who have been waiting a long time for new therapies," said Peter Johnson, chief clinician at Cancer Research UK whose experimental cancer medicine center was used in the trial.
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How Simple Illusions Can Alter Our Perception Of The World Around Us
We're familiar with the mind games and tricks magicians use on a daily basis -- but what if we can take those "hacks" and apply them to our own perceptions? In the Brainwave clip above, sleight-of-hand specialist Apollo Robbins explains that while it's their job as artists to deceive the mind, we can also tap into this wisdom in order to focus on the important imagery around us. This ability to tap into human behavior, Apollo explains, can open up a world of insight. "When you look at all this massive data that comes in from our senses, and it
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32 Things I Know Are True on My 32nd Birthday
I felt so adult in my mid 20s, which I'm grateful for because I'm sure it propelled me to where I am today. But at 32, I can wholeheartedly say I feel much freer and younger in mind, body and spirit.
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The 9 Foods You Should Be Eating For Your Skin This Summer
Memorial Day weekend brought barbecues, picnics and beach parties, which means that despite summer's official start on June 21, the season is already underway for many of us. But before you toss back more hot dogs, chips or beer, think about how it might affect how you look and feel -- and no, we don't mean your waistline. "It's not just the sun that can age your skin," Paula Simpson, a biochemist and holistic nutritionist who specializes in supplement formulation for skin health, told HuffPost. "Diet influences skin at the cellular level, and since skin is our largest organ, it's
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6 Vegan Habits Everyone Should Adopt (Without Giving Up Meat)
By Brianna Steinhilber For meat-lovers, "vegan" may be a dirty five-letter-word -- but we all have to admit that those following a vegan diet tend to have a smart approach to eating, filling their carts with fresh produce and possessing a strong awareness of what they're putting on their plates. While the diet may be too extreme for many, there are some sensible, healthy vegan habits that we all should be copying –- carnivores included. Leave the meat on your plate, but take these six other veg-friendly tips to heart. 1. Pile on the veggies. Since vegans steer clear of
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Eli Lilly drug prolongs survival in large lung cancer trial
Obama's boldest move on carbon comes with perils
WASHINGTON (AP) — The new pollution rule the Obama administration announces Monday will be a cornerstone of President Barack Obama's environmental legacy and arguably the most significant U.S. environmental regulation in decades.
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