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Friday, 31 January 2014
Striking a Nerve: TBI Up Close and Personal
Possible Gap Seen in Adult Care for Childhood Cancer Survivors
Hetlioz Approved for Sleep Disorder in Blind People
Pulmonology Top News: Spiriva Signal, LABA Risk
All alcohol, even wine, raises risk of gout flare-ups: study
All alcohol, even wine, raises risk of gout flare-ups: study
FDA to Investigate Testosterone Risk
Goodell confident concussion settlement will be approved
NFL-Goodell confident concussion settlement will be approved
Rheumatology Top News: Lupus and Football Injuries
Two Obamacare exchanges see more health insurer competition
By David Morgan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - At least two U.S. states running their own Obamacare health insurance exchanges expect new insurers to enter their marketplaces and bolster competition in 2015, officials said on Friday. Kynect, which is Kentucky's marketplace, and the Rhode Island Health Benefits Exchange have had separate talks about 2015 with health insurers that could opt to join the online marketplaces set up under President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law. Kentucky also expects an expansion of physician networks available within current plans. Increased competition would increase consumer choices and tend to put downward pressure on health insurance cost trends.
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Blood Test Might Help Tell When Peanut Allergy Is Gone: Study
Health Reform Differs Across States: Report
Many College Students Fear Going Hungry at Some Point: Survey
18 Reasons You Should Date A Vegetarian
How romaine-tic.
Vegetarians have better sex lives since plant-based diets can boost hormone levels.
FOX / Via
Evidence suggests vegetarians have a lower mortality rate thanks to improved cardiovascular health.
So they'll stick around longer.
Bravo / Via
Mushroom risotto is less expensive than filet mignon = They're cheaper dates.
HBO / Via
You'll never have to worry about them stealing your bacon.
NBC / Via
Why You Should Forget The Werewolf Diet
The latest fad diet follows the phases of the moon. And is a slap in the face to werewolves everywhere.
It's unfair to single out werewolves.
Why are we targeting werewolves for weight loss anyway? Have you ever seen a wolf? They're usually looking pretty svelte and sexy. This diet allegedly allows one to drop up to six pounds in 24 hours. That sounds like a terrible idea for anyone, but it's an especially bad idea for werewolves.
Charley Gallay / Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images
PodMed: A Medical News Roundup From Johns Hopkins (with audio)
FDA clears first drug for blindness sleep disorder
15 Molten Lava Cakes You Could Fall Hard For
There is literally no gesture more romantic than melted chocolate oozing out of a cake towards you.
Bittersweet Chocolate Molten Cake
Classic, straightforward, and just your type. Recipe here.
Vegan Beet-Powered Chocolate Lava Cakes
A passionate activist that REALLY cares about changing the world. In a hot way. Recipe here.
Molten Dulce de Leche Cakes
Could be The One. Recipe here.
Is There a Flaw in This Large Vitamin D Trial?
Home blood pressure monitoring may find hidden risk
This Is What Kids Think Of Gourmet Foods Like Caviar
Rich people enjoy eating caviar and edible gold, but do kids?
Find out by watching this video:
First we assembled a panel of critics, like this kid...
And this girl...
We started with caviar. Some were skeptical...